Thursday, October 21, 2010


I love fall. The colors (both in nature and otherwise), the food (pumpkin desserts, warm drinks, hearty soups, etc. (although I guess those foods should be in reverse order. I guess I just automatically put them in order of importance :0)), the crunchy leaves as I walk down the sidewalk, the crisp's all great. So imagine my chagrin every year since I live in a place where often the autumn lasts a week or two if we're lucky, and then moves right on to winter, or sometimes it seems like we skip fall altogether.

Then imagine my (and everyone else who lives here) absolute delight with the beautiful and long and mild fall we've had here. It's been hovering in the low 70's-mid-60's now for over a month and is amazingly beautiful and pleasant outside.

Here's my view out my kitchen window:

I heard my 8 and 6-year-old little boys looking out across the street at these trees yesterday evening. Here's the conversation:
Daniel: "Look at those trees over there!"
Seth: "Yeah"
Daniel: "Those colors are amazing! You can barely even see any green!"
Seth: "Yeah!"

My sentiments exactly.

Isn't fall awesome? How's fall where you live?


LisAway said...

I agree! I say as I chomp on the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I'm eating for breakfast. :) (see, I eat things in the order you put them in in your post.

Fall in Poland is very much like fall in Utah. I love it

Valerie said...

This fall has been absolutely AMAZING!!! I feel like I can't even complain about the cold weather that finally moved in today. We've been spoiled!!

Susan said...

Since fall was always my favorite season when we lived in Utah, I have been happy to have East Coast Autumns. I used to feel that spring was sort of how you described a regular Idaho fall: gone in a flash, summer come too soon. It has taken me a loong time to not be surprised by the length and beauty of the East Coast Springs. They now are a tie for my favorite time of year. Here, that is.

MamaChef (JM) said...

This has been the most amazing fall I have ever experienced in Idaho. I LOVE IT! I love the direction of the sun in the fall. The colors are so brilliant.